Cryptomining – performing the zillions of cryptographic calculations you need to earn hot-topic cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Monero or Ethereum – is a massive global industry these days
Cryptojacking - Get familiar with this term as it might start showing up in news
Break into someone’s network and install cryptomining software onto their computers so you can steal their electricity and CPU power – laptops are good, servers are better, and supercomputers are the best of all.
There’s even a malware family known as
WannaMine – a portmanteau name that borrows the “Wanna” from the exploit-based spreading technique of the WannaCry ransomware worm, and “Mine” from, well, from the process of cryptomining.
cryptojacking is a clear and present danger:
- There’s a reputational cost. What else did the crooks implant during the breach?
- There’s a regulatory cost. What happens after you report the breach, which you’ll need to do?
- There’s an opportunity cost. How many customers couldn’t access your services because the crooks were using all your processing power?