Thursday, July 5, 2018

With machines with over 1TB memory already commonplace, many OLTP workloads can fit entirely in memory - This creates unencrypted "Data in Memory" risk, how can we encrypt this? - EnclaveDB might be one solution

It brings together the security properties of Intel’s SGX enclaves with the Hekaton SQL Server database engine. The result is a secure database environment with impressive runtime performance.

For traditional databases, the entire query processing pipeline is part of the attack surface. With EnclaveDB however, all queries are first compiled to native code and then packaged along with the query engine and the trusted kernel

EnclaveDB assumes an adversary can control everything in the environment bar the code inside enclaves. They can access and tamper with any server-side state in memory, on-disk, or over the network. They can mount replay attacks by shutting down the database and attempting to recover from a stale state, and they can attempt to fork the database and sending requests from different clients to different instances

Whereas existing system require users to associate and manage encryption keys for each column containing sensitive data, EnclaveDB takes advantage of the encryption and integrity protection provided by the SGX memory encryption engine, which kicks in whenever data is evicted from the processor cache. Thus only a single database encryption key is needed. This key is provisioned to a trusted key management service (KMS) along with a policy specifying the enclave that the key can be provisioned to. When an EnclaveDB instance starts it remotely attests with the KMS and receives the key.

Clients connect to EnclaveDB by creating a secure channel with the enclave and establishing a shared session key. The enclave authenticates clients using embedded certificates. All traffic between clients and EnclaveDB is encrypted using the session key.
Once client requests have been validated, the stored procedure executes entirely within the enclave, on tables hosted in the enclave. Return values are encrypted before being written to buffers allocated by the host.

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