Friday, March 21, 2014

6 Questions for SIEM vendor - From AlienVault

The SIEM as we know has evolved so, I found the following questions from AlienVault presentation as something that is short and sweet.

From the Article:


  1. How long from installation to security insight?
  2. Integration work measured in years, months or hours?
  3. Do you simply integrate data from security tools (SIEM), or embed tools and orchestrate into effective incident response workflows (USM)? e.g. asset inventories. IDS. vulnerability scans. netfls, etc.
  4. What is the real TCO - licensing, consulting, implementation and maintenance/tuning fees?
  5. A list of alarms or step-by-step instructions on how to confirm, respond and mitigate threats?
  6. Is there a community for threat sharing? If so, how large, broad and open?


#1 and #2 are related to the my 3I (Installation, Implementation, Integration). ( it will still fail if there is no Planning AND commitment from all stakeholders)

#3 can get value from existing data sources

#4 is where we are turned in to fools by Vendors.

#5 is where Target failed ( Incident Response Failure).

#6 The answer normally is "YES" but, the reality could be different

The Full Presentation is available at the link below:

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